How to Make Time for Reading Books in a Busy Schedule

How to Make Time for Reading Books in a Busy Schedule

By BookKeeper

In the hustle and bustle of our daily lives, finding time for leisurely activities like reading can seem like an impossible task. Yet, for many of us, reading is not just a hobby; it’s a source of knowledge, relaxation, and personal growth. If you’re someone with a jam-packed schedule who yearns to read more books, you’re not alone.

In this comprehensive guide, we’ll delve deep into practical strategies to help you carve out precious reading time amidst your busy life.

 1. Assess Your Current Reading Habits

 a. Analyze Your Reading Goals

Before embarking on your journey to read more, it’s crucial to understand why you want to read. Are you aiming to expand your knowledge, unwind after a long day, or perhaps enhance your creativity? Your motivations will guide your reading choices and help you set realistic goals.

Consider categorizing your goals into short-term and long-term. Short-term goals can be as simple as reading for 15 minutes a day, while long-term goals might involve finishing a specific number of books in a year.

 b. Identify Time-Wasting Activities

We often underestimate the time we spend on activities that don’t contribute significantly to our well-being. Take a moment to identify these time-wasters in your life. They could include excessive social media scrolling, binge-watching TV shows, or aimless web surfing.

Once you’ve identified these activities, consider reducing or eliminating them to free up valuable time for reading.

 c. Track Your Current Reading Habits

To understand your current reading patterns better, keep a reading journal for at least a week. Record details such as:

When you read (morning, afternoon, evening).

Where you read (home, office, commute).

How long you read in each sitting.

The number of pages or chapters you complete.

This journal will provide insights into your reading habits and opportunities for improvement.

 2. Prioritize Reading

 a. Recognize the Benefits of Reading

To make reading a priority, it’s essential to recognize the myriad of benefits it offers:

Mental Stimulation: Reading exercises your brain and keeps it sharp.

Stress Reduction: Getting lost in a good book can reduce stress levels.

Knowledge Expansion: Reading exposes you to new ideas, cultures, and perspectives.

Improved Focus: Regular reading enhances concentration and attention span.

By understanding these benefits, you’ll be more motivated to make reading a central part of your life.

 b. Set Reading Goals

Setting clear and achievable reading goals is instrumental in making reading a habit. Here’s how:

Specific Goals: Define what you want to achieve. For example, “Read 30 minutes every day” is more effective than a vague goal like “Read more.”

Measurable Goals: Make your goals quantifiable. “Read two books per month” is a measurable target.

Time-Bound Goals: Set a timeframe for your goals. “Finish ‘Book X’ by the end of the month” creates a sense of urgency.

 c. Make Reading a Priority

Once you’ve recognized the value of reading and set your goals, it’s time to make reading a priority in your daily life. Consider these strategies:

Schedule Reading Time: Allocate specific slots in your daily or weekly schedule for reading. Treat these appointments with the same importance as work meetings or other commitments.

Eliminate Excuses: Recognize common excuses for not reading, such as “I don’t have time,” and challenge them. If you have time to scroll through social media, you have time to read.

Create a Reading-Friendly Environment: Make your reading space comfortable and inviting. Ensure good lighting and invest in a comfortable chair or reading nook.

 3. Create a Reading Schedule

 a. Identify Your Ideal Reading Time

Finding your optimal reading time can significantly impact your reading experience. Some people are morning readers, while others prefer late at night. Experiment with different times to see when you’re most alert and receptive to reading.

 b. Allocate Reading Slots

Once you’ve identified your ideal reading time, block out dedicated reading slots in your calendar. Even 15-30 minutes during breaks or before bed can add up over time. Having a set schedule can help turn reading into a consistent habit.

 c. Use Digital Tools

In the digital age, there are numerous apps and tools to help you manage your reading schedule. Consider using:

Reading Apps: Apps like Goodreads can track your reading progress and recommend books based on your preferences.

Reading Reminders: Set reminders on your phone or use specialized apps to prompt you to read at your designated times.

E-Readers: If you prefer digital books, e-readers often come with features that allow you to set reading goals and track your progress.

These tools can provide the extra nudge needed to stay on track with your reading goals.

 4. Set Realistic Reading Goals

 a. Understand Your Reading Speed

One common challenge when setting reading goals is overestimating or underestimating your reading speed. To set realistic goals, it’s essential to know how fast you read and how much time it typically takes you to finish a book.

 b. Set Achievable Goals

Start with manageable reading goals. If you’re not used to reading regularly, attempting to read a book a week might be too ambitious. Begin with smaller targets and gradually increase them as you become more comfortable with your reading habit.

 c. Monitor Progress

Regularly assess your progress toward your reading goals. Celebrate your achievements, and don’t be discouraged if you occasionally fall short. Adjust your goals as needed to maintain a balance between challenge and achievability.

 5. Minimize Distractions

Distractions can derail your reading efforts. Here’s how to combat them:

 a. Identify Common Distractions

Take a moment to identify the primary distractions that interfere with your reading time. Common culprits include:

Smartphones: Notifications and apps can pull your attention away from your book.

Noisy Environments: Background noise can make it challenging to concentrate.

Restless Thoughts: An overactive mind can lead to wandering thoughts while reading.

 b. Create a Conducive Environment

To minimize distractions, create a reading environment that supports your focus:

Silence Your Phone: Put your phone in “Do Not Disturb” mode or place it in another room.

Choose a Quiet Space: Find a peaceful spot where you’re less likely to be interrupted.

Use Noise-Canceling Headphones: If external noise is a problem, noise-canceling headphones can help you immerse yourself in your book.

 c. Stay Focused

Staying focused while reading is a skill that can be developed over time. Try these techniques:

Practice Mindfulness: Before you start reading, take a few minutes to clear your mind and focus on the present moment.

Set Reading Goals: Challenge yourself to read a certain number of pages or chapters in one sitting.

Take Breaks: If you find your concentration waning, take short breaks to stretch or refocus before returning to your book.

By identifying distractions and implementing strategies to minimize them, you can create a more conducive environment for reading.

 6. Incorporate Reading into Daily Routines

You can integrate reading seamlessly into various aspects of

 your daily life.

 a. Reading During Commute

If you have a daily commute, whether by car, train, or bus, this can be valuable reading time. Consider listening to audiobooks or podcasts related to your interests. Audiobooks allow you to enjoy literature while keeping your eyes on the road or your surroundings.

 b. Reading During Chores

Household chores often consume a significant portion of our time. Make these tasks more enjoyable by listening to audiobooks or podcasts. You can fold laundry, wash dishes, or tidy up while absorbing the content of a good book.

 c. Bedtime Reading

Instead of scrolling through your phone before bedtime, cultivate the habit of bedtime reading. This can be a peaceful way to unwind and signal to your body that it’s time to relax and sleep.

 7. Optimize Reading Formats

Choosing the right reading format can make a substantial difference in your reading frequency and enjoyment.

 a. Print, E-Books, or Audiobooks

Selecting the most suitable format for your lifestyle is crucial:

Print Books: Traditional print books offer a tactile experience and don’t require any digital devices.

E-Books: E-readers and tablets provide convenience and portability. You can carry an entire library in your pocket.

Audiobooks: Ideal for multitasking, audiobooks allow you to “read” while doing activities like commuting, exercising, or cleaning.

Consider experimenting with different formats to discover what works best for you.

 b. Multitask with Audiobooks

Audiobooks are a fantastic way to make the most of your time, even during activities that typically wouldn’t allow for reading. Here are some ideas:

Exercise: Listen to audiobooks while jogging, cycling, or at the gym.

Commuting: Transform your daily commute into productive reading time.

Household Chores: Make chores more enjoyable by immersing yourself in a captivating audiobook.

 c. E-Readers for Efficiency

If you choose to read digitally, e-readers offer several advantages:

Portability: E-readers are lightweight and can hold thousands of books, making them perfect for readers on the go.

Adjustable Font Size: Customize the font size and style to make reading more comfortable.

Highlighting and Note-Taking: E-readers allow you to highlight text and take notes digitally, making it easier to revisit and reference key passages.

Experiment with e-readers to see if they enhance your reading experience.

 8. Join a Reading Community

Being part of a reading group or community can provide motivation, inspiration, and a sense of connection with fellow book lovers.

 a. Benefits of Reading Communities

Joining a reading community offers numerous advantages:

Discussion and Analysis: Engaging in discussions about books can deepen your understanding and appreciation of the material.

Recommendations: Fellow readers can introduce you to books you might not have discovered on your own.

Accountability: Knowing that others are reading alongside you can provide the motivation to stick to your reading goals.

 b. Finding or Starting a Community

You can find reading communities in various places:

Local Book Clubs: Check with libraries, bookstores, or online platforms to find book clubs in your area.

Online Forums: Websites like Goodreads and Reddit have active book discussion forums.

Create Your Own: If you can’t find a suitable community, consider starting one with friends, family, or colleagues who share your reading interests.

 c. Stay Motivated

Active participation in a reading community can help you stay motivated to read regularly. Engage in discussions, share your thoughts on books, and consider hosting a book club meeting if you’re up for it. The camaraderie of a reading group can make your reading journey more enjoyable.

 9. Use Technology to Your Advantage

Leveraging technology can significantly expand your reading options.

 a. Digital Libraries

Explore the world of digital libraries, where you can access a vast selection of books, both new releases and classics. Many public libraries offer digital lending services, allowing you to borrow e-books and audiobooks for free.

 b. Reading Apps and Services

Reading apps and services can enhance your reading experience in various ways:

Kindle: Amazon’s Kindle app allows you to purchase and read e-books from their vast catalog.

Audible: Audible is an excellent platform for audiobooks, offering a wide range of titles narrated by talented voice actors.

Goodreads: Use Goodreads to discover new books, track your reading progress, and get personalized recommendations.

 c. Organize Your Reading List

Use apps like Goodreads to keep your reading list organized. You can create shelves for books you want to read, those you’ve already read, and those you’re currently reading. These apps often provide reading challenges and book recommendations based on your preferences.

 10. Learn to Speed Read

Speed reading techniques can significantly boost your reading efficiency, allowing you to cover more material in less time.

 a. Speed Reading Basics

Speed reading involves techniques that help you read faster while maintaining comprehension. Key principles include:

Minimizing Subvocalization: Subvocalization is the habit of silently pronouncing each word as you read. Speed readers learn to reduce this habit.

Chunking: Instead of reading one word at a time, speed readers group words into meaningful chunks.

Using a Pointer: A pointer, like your finger or a pen, can help guide your eyes and increase reading speed.

 b. Resources for Improvement

If you’re interested in becoming a speed reader, you can explore various resources, including:

Online Courses: Many online platforms offer courses specifically designed to improve reading speed and comprehension.

Books: Look for books by renowned experts in speed reading, such as Tony Buzan or Evelyn Wood.

c. Comprehension vs. Speed

While speed reading can help you read more quickly, it’s essential to strike a balance between speed and comprehension. Speed should not come at the expense of understanding the material. Practice speed reading techniques while ensuring you still grasp the content fully.


Incorporating more reading into a busy schedule is a transformative journey that requires dedication and the right strategies. Start by assessing your reading habits, setting priorities, and creating a reading schedule. Recognize the value of reading and make it a central part of your life.

As you minimize distractions, incorporate reading into daily routines, and leverage technology, you’ll find that reading becomes not just a habit, but a cherished part of your daily life.

So, seize the opportunity today. Pick up a book, open an e-reader, or press play on an audiobook. Your reading journey in the midst of your bustling schedule is an investment in your knowledge, well-being, and personal growth. Dive into the world of books, and you’ll discover a treasure trove of wisdom and imagination waiting to enrich your life.